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Volunteers are essential and highly valued in any school community. Volunteers in schools in the Maitland Newcastle Diocese need to participate in an Induction Process. The Induction Process applies to all existing and new volunteers. 

Induction, which is essential to your participation as a volunteer and will usually include:

  • Obtaining and school citing of a Working with Children’s Check (WWCC)
    • -Apply to the Office of the Children’s Guardian here

or visit an office of Services NSW. Applying for your WWCC immediately is strongly recommended.   

  • Acknowledgement of being provided with a Volunteer Induction Handbook
  • Completion and return of:

         - Appendix 1 - Registration form,

         - Appendix 2 - Volunteer Policy Declaration,

         - Appendix 3 - Code of Conduct Declaration

         - Form 1 Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check

         - Volunteer Inductsion Acknowledgement Form

As soon as the yare completed, lodge them at the school office.

When you have received your WWCC number, bring it to the school office at which time a Clearance Form will be completed. Completion of the Clearance Form includes showing proof of your WWCC number and being able to provide a 100 point ID check*. This involves providing four (4) documents. One of either a full Australian Birth Certificate (not an extract or birth card) or a current Australian Passport, one of either current Australian Drivers Licence or Marriage Certificate and two of either a Medicare card, bank card or credit card.

         * A comprehensive list of documents can be found in the Volunteers Handbook (p26)

When the Clearance Form is completed, it and all relevant paperwork will be sent to the Catholic Diocese of Maitland Newcastle for final approval. When the approval is finalised the school will notify you.

volunteers reading