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Literacy is central to the development of students and has an essential role in all Key Learning Areas.

The development of a high standard of literacy is essential if students are to become active participants in society. Literacy competence enables students to interact, communicate, interpret and make sense of the world. 

At St Benedict’s, Edgeworth we believe that:

  • To participate effectively in society, students need to develop an active literacy that allows them to use language to enhance their capacity to think, create and question
  • Literacy learning is life-long and extends beyond the school context
  • Literate students are better equipped to effectively participate in a technologically advanced society
  • All students should be given the opportunity to develop their literacy levels to their full potential.


At St Benedict’s, the teaching of English strives to assist and encourage students to:

  • Develop the range of skills required to be literate through explicit teaching, a clear continuum of learning and using a variety of strategies.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of the various types of texts.
  • Develop knowledge and skills in grammar, punctuation and vocabulary through clearly defined content and text structure.
  • Develop experience of a range of contexts, such as intercultural experiences, Aboriginal histories and culture, Asian perspectives and environmental sustainability.
  • Develop the ability to use language effectively and reflect critically on how language works.


The English block is allocated between 6.25 to 8.75 hours of teaching time each week. Time allocation will vary according to skill development. English is taught as an uninterrupted block.